Our Stories | SSE

SSE turns six and celebrates entrepreneurship for all Australians!

Written by Admin | 16 August 2023

When the Sydney School of Entrepreneurship (SSE) was established in 2016 by the NSW Government as an independent, not-for-profit consortium between the 11 NSW universities and TAFE NSW, we set out on a mission to build a nationwide culture of entrepreneurialism and shared prosperity.  

Developing an entrepreneurial mindset increases one’s capacity and capability to think differently, creatively solve problems, collaborate, and lead, and enriches one’s opportunities in all aspects of life. Having an entrepreneurial mindset is a skill that can be learned by everyone; and it is a skill that benefits everyone – individuals, families, schools, communities, enterprises, and countries. 

In 2023, as SSE celebrates its sixth anniversary, we are extremely proud to share our Strategy 2023-2026 and, with it, the stories of more and more exceptional individuals from across NSW and beyond.  

From remarkable and resilient women seeking to transform their lives and build a second chance in life and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds carving out new pathways to create self-sufficient futures, to First Nations people bringing to life millennia of cultural tradition, innovative practices, and knowledge, and individuals from culturally diverse and migrant backgrounds forging new business opportunities to sustain their families and grow the economy, entrepreneurship is everywhere. 

At SSE, we believe passionately in the transformative power of education to change lives. Our programs are designed to help break down some of the age-old barriers that stifle innovation and self-determination, and spark the entrepreneurial mindset that lives in every single individual. 

And so, as we recognise our six-year anniversary, we are driven more than ever to unlock the talent and potential of more Australians; helping to build the knowledge, confidence, and self-determination in groups that have historically been denied the chance to experience the transformational opportunities that emerge through exploring pathways of entrepreneurship. 

Entrepreneurship, like education, is a powerful catalyst for change. So we are excited to be working together with our  extended community to create a world where every Australian is empowered with the skills, capability, and learning opportunities needed to overcome barriers to entrepreneurship, employment, and education.