Our Stories | SSE

Financial literacy creating lasting impact in regional NSW

Written by Admin | 15 May 2024

Invest in Yourself: Exploring Money and Self-Employment is an SSE signature program. Co-designed and delivered with local partners and mentors ‘in place’, the program blends financial literacy and entrepreneurship for a diverse range of learners.

It focuses on increasing participants’ confidence in and knowledge of financial literacy, freelance work, entrepreneurship, and working remotely, with the overall aim of broadening their scope of employment (and self-employment) opportunities and future pathways.

Throughout 2023 and into early 2024, SSE delivered its signature Invest in Yourself program to diverse cohorts of Aboriginal young people and historically culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities in almost a dozen regional NSW communities.

Historically, Aboriginal and CALD communities, especially those in regional areas, face systemic barriers to employment and self-employment. Geographic isolation, language and cultural barriers, limited recognition of overseas qualifications, and lack of access (to services) all play a role in limiting the professional pathways for and economic success — for these groups.