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Working or learning remotely? Get our top tips

Written by Admin | 25 March 2020

Like so many of you, the SSE team is adapting to the new normal of working and learning remotely.

And if you’re like us, you’re looking for all the advice you can get to make it a happy and productive time. So we asked some of our amazing team for their working-from-home hacks and collected some of the best advice from around the web. Check them out below.

And if you’re feeling a little disconnected, why not join our new LinkedIn community and share your best advice.

“Use your morning WIP to check in with everyone’s health and well-being and share information to help everyone feel connected. Initiating a ‘tip of the day’ to share something new—a new technology, a new ‘hack’ to help performance or mental well-being—helps the team to stay engaged in supporting each other, as well as feel empowered by helping improve things for the whole team.”
Sarah Jones - CEO

“Enjoy the mental and physical health benefits of being with your pets! It's not often you have the chance to have them sit by your side all day!”
Penny Buchanan - Manager, Operations, Resources and Projects

"Use a standing desk to keep AirPods, coffee, phone and other essentials out of reach of the kids. Plus it has some other benefits, of course!"
Andy Howard, SSE Innovation Expert

“Having a clean space helps me stay focused (and not constantly tidying up). Work out how you can change the scenery to keep it from feeling stale.”
Charis Lee - Senior Marketing Officer

“Early morning is my favourite time of day so I’m often at my computer by 6am. Find the time that works for you and take advantage of your most productive hours.”
Lynn Erkens - Senior Operations Officer, Policy, Projects and Administration

"Refocus your commute time! It’s easy to blur the work/life boundary when you’re working from home, so I take the time I would have spent travelling to work and turn it into something fun to kick-off and end my day – maybe listen to a new podcast, get creative in the kitchen, or find a new hobby!"
Nada van Kempen - Project Coordinator

What the experts say


Be flexible with your routine

In my experience, setting a fixed routine does not always work, especially if you have children and must adapt every day. Having a rigid routine might feel like a good thing for one's mental health, but failing to stick to it can be quite devastating. Acknowledging that things are likely to change really helps me.
Pragya Agarwal (Times Higher Education


Put some pants on!

The number one key to success right now, is to go about your day as if you were headed to the office…and that involves putting on some clothes. Sure, set your alarm a little later, enjoy that sleep in that would usually be spent commuting to the office stuck in traffic, but when it’s time to log on—get up, get dressed and get going. You’ll be surprised at how much of a difference it makes simply putting on some pants.
Morgan Reardon (The Urban List


Make a to-do list every day

Whether you use an app or just a good old-fashioned pen and paper, make a list every morning (or the night before) with your tasks for the day – even including the errands or admin you have to do. You’ll stay on track and get that endorphin hit of completion.
Alyson Shontell (Business Insider)


You can still socialise (and you should)

Studies have shown that individuals who had 15 minutes to socialize with colleagues had a 20 percent increase in performance over their peers who didn’t. Find new ways to connect with colleagues – use Slack or your team’s software to show when you’re busy and when you’re free for a chat. Reach out to Skype/Zoom over lunch or a coffee. Pick up the phone and call rather than messaging. It’ll definitely help.
Katherine Dugan and Varun Bhatnagar (Strategy + Business)



Communicate more frequently, and with more detail, than you would in an in-person conversation in order to ensure you’re getting all the right information across. Ask yourself whether this long message or email chain could be a phone call and set up emoji systems to let people know you’ve read and understood what they’ve said.
Meaghan Williams (LinkedIn)


Ask "how are you?"

Most importantly - listen and share. Take time to ask, "how are you?" to your colleagues - and listen for the answer. If it's "fine", ask again and listen to the answer. Give people an opportunity to share if they're struggling, and talk it through.
Leapers Little Guide

And finally, a bright spot from Jillian Killby on how all the new remote capabilities being established will help more talented rural students, founders and businesses access world-leading opportunities. Check out her post on LinkedIn.

Got a great tip? Share it with us via our new LinkedIn group.

If you are experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19, stay up to date with the Australian Government’s financial assistance package on the Treasury website.