About Us / Graduates
Himal Kumar
Co-founder of Canopus Networks

International Bootcamp India 2019
Co-founder of Canopus Networks and Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of the company, Himal has years of experience in building production-grade software solutions. He has engineered multiple SDN/NFV applications deployed and trialled in research and production networks.
Himal is experienced in architecting and building scalable and efficient network applications which leverage programmable hardware. He is a part of the open-source SDN community, has contributed to applications in ONOS and ODL, and spent time working in Silicon Valley, California at Cisco and Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
Himal received his Master of Philosophy degree from the University of New South Wales (UNSW, Sydney) in 2017 and Bachelor's from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Patna) in 2014.
His expertise has been in applying SDN/NFV technology in the areas of Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), High-Speed Flow Classification using Machine Learning & AI, and NFV for middle-boxes. Involved in community building, training and education, and has delivered many talks in the areas of Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV).