About Us / Graduates
Peter Critch
Co-founder of subpod

International Bootcamp India 2019
Peter is the co-founder of subpod - a remarkable in-ground compost bin, worm farm, and self-fertilizing garden bed. His vision is to transform our global organic waste into nutrient dense food through a circular economy. He believes that the problem of organic waste is the solution to improving global wellbeing, and the missing link is intelligent composting.
Peter has a background in environmental science and a passion for soil biology. His skill set includes product management, consulting and scientific education. The amazing world of microbes is something he aims to share through everyday conversation. He believes that understanding soil is key to improving the nutrient density in food, organic waste management, and carbon sequestration.
By understanding the biological processes of nature, Peter believes systems can be created that regenerate our economies, environment and wellbeing. The circular economy starts when we begin to see our global problems as global solutions.