Fast 5 with Educational Design Manager Cherie Karlsson
What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received, personally or professionally?
Don’t hesitate. This was mantra from my Dad when I was small. I use it often. 'If in doubt (as Nike would say), just do it’.
What do you do to unwind after a long day?
I love a long walk to let go of the workday - fresh air and good playlist on.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
I would love to get around the globe faster. I have two adult children living in Sweden, so it would be great to zip over to check in on them more often. And I love exploring new countries so a flying power would be a handy feature.

I would love to get around the globe faster. I have two adult children living in Sweden, so it would be great to zip over to check in on them more often. And I love exploring new countries so a flying power would be a handy feature.
Cherie Smith
Educational Design manager
Bonus round: Either/or
- Beach or Mountain Escape? Beach
- Music or Podcasts? Depends on the day
- Early Mornings or Late Nights? Early mornings
- Cats or Dogs? Dogs
- Solo or Team Sports? Team sports
- Big or Small Gathering? These days - small
- Summer or Winter? Summer
- Horror or Comedy Movie? Comedy
- Walk Slow or Walk Fast? Fast!
- Rice or Noodles? Noodles
- Reading the book or Seeing the movie? Book
- Writing or Typing? Writing
Visit Cherie's SSE Team bio here.
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